Media Release: ‘Getting the NDIS Back on Track’ Bill

Media Release

South West Autism Network (SWAN) hold serious concerns about the ‘Getting the NDIS Back on Track No 1.’ Bill.

This Bill was developed in secrecy, without co-design with the disability community. We do not support the legislation in its current form.

We are concerned that this Bill will lead to many in our community losing access to their individualised support services which they currently receive through the NDIS.

The right to appeal decisions by the NDIA is too limited, and there are not enough protections for participants.  SWAN are deeply concerned about the proposed change from ‘Reasonable and Necessary Supports’ to ‘NDIS Supports’ from a limited listed of permitted supports. This is not in line with the individualised choice and control which is the fundamental premise of the NDIS, and puts people with disability at risk.

This Bill relies on moving people from the NDIS to “Foundational Supports” which do not yet exist. These supports are expected to be provided by State and Territory governments who have stated that they will not be able to get these supports in place in time.

Please do not leave people with disability with nowhere to turn.

We are asking each member of Parliament to protect our NDIS, and support the thousands of people with disabilities and our families within your constituency. Please vote no to the Government’s proposed NDIS Bill.

Importantly, we call on the Government to codesign and evaluate a fair approach to funding our support needs with guaranteed and robust mechanisms for review and appeal.  Codesign must include the voices of people with disability in regional and remote Australia, including regional WA.