Women’s Law Centre of WA

The WLCWA provides free legal advice and casework specifically to women facing disadvantage but can provide information about legal issues and referral to support services to any women.

Ph: 1800 625 122 (freecall) or (08) 9272 8800
Email: wlc@wlcwa.org.au
Website: http://www.wlcwa.org.au

Youth Advisory Council of WA (YACWA)

YACWA aims to provide a united, independent and active advocate for the non-government youth sector, focusing on young people’s varied needs and acting as a role model for the definition and demonstration of youth participation.

15 Money Street
Perth WA 6000
Ph: (08) 9227 5440
Email: yacwa@yacwa.org.au
Web: www.yacwa.org.au