Support for Autistic Students in WA Schools
The survey is now CLOSED and we are working on our submission. Thank you to everyone who responded.
The Western Australian Government is holding an Inquiry into support for autistic children and young people in WA schools. SWAN are writing a submission to this Government inquiry, which is due on the 13th July 2023. We want to tell them what is working and what isn’t.
We need your help. Can you please fill in the survey and tell us about your experiences with support for autistic students in WA.
We want to hear from parents, carers, guardians, autistic students, school staff, therapists and other family members about your experience. If you have more than one role, we would love to hear your responses to this survey for each role, but you would need to respond on a different device for each role (This is the only way SurveyMonkey can do this, unfortunately).
The survey is anonymous. You don’t need to give your personal details.
If you would like to talk about this with one of the SWAN team, or would like support, please contact us by emailing or phone 0499 819 038.
Thank you for your help.
You can find out more about the Inquiry and how to make a submission of your own by clicking on this link.