Dr Indrajit Karande
Suite 1, Level 1, Medical Centre,
SJG Mt Lawley Hospital, Mount Lawley WA 6050
Ph: 6153 4535
Email: perthcdc@outlook.com
Web: www.perthcdc.net.au
Suite 1, Level 1, Medical Centre,
SJG Mt Lawley Hospital, Mount Lawley WA 6050
Ph: 6153 4535
Email: perthcdc@outlook.com
Web: www.perthcdc.net.au
4/82 Reserve St
Wembley WA 6014
Ph: 9387 5937
The Hub, 10A, 327 Mandurah Terrace
Mandurah, WA 6210
Ph: 9557 5942
Email: reception@thehubwa.com.au
Web: https://www.thehubwa.com.au/
Specialist Medical Centre, Suite 4, 14 Stafford Street
Ph: 9274 6982
Their driver trained occupational therapists is specialised in functional driver assessment, vehicle modification and driver rehabilitation. They have a mobile occupational service providing functional assessment for various purposes, home assessment and prescription of assistive technology.
NDIS Support Categories Registered to Provide:
– CAPITAL: Assistive Technology; Home Modifications and Specialised Disability Accommodation
– CAPACITY BUILDING: Support Coordination; Improved Daily Living Skills (Occupational Therapy)
Drug Aware is a program that targets young people with factual, credible and accurate messages about illicit drug and alcohol use. They also provide information and support for youth, parents and families on how to find help with drug and alcohol related issues.
24hr Alcohol and Drug Support Line: (08) 9442 5000 (Metro), 1800 198 024 (Country)
Web: www.drugaware.com.au
Emprise Mobility and Mandurah Mobility sells and services an extensive range of Assistive Technology, Mobility Equipment and Daily Living Aids, including electric recline and lift chairs, adjustable beds, wheelchairs, mobility scooters, walking aids, bathroom aids, toilet aids, kitchen aids, eating aids, and much more.
NDIS Support Categories Registered to Provide:
– CORE: Consumable
– CAPITAL: Assistive Technology; Home Modifications and Specialised Disability Accommodation (SDA)
5 Sobek Pass
Bibra Lake WA 6163
Ph: 6555 4222
Email: mobility@emprise.com.au
Web: www.emprise.com.au
45 Reserve Drive
Mandurah WA 6210
Ph: 9535 1411
Email: mobility@emprise.com.au
Web: www.emprise.com.au
European Bedding is WA’s leading supplier of high quality electric adjustable beds, pressure care mattresses and handling equipment for disability, home care and aged care. They have been supplying to the South West for over 30 years and provide all service and maintenance in-house.
NDIS Support Categories Registered to Provide:
– CORE: Assistance with Daily Life
– CAPITAL: Assistive Technology
557 Stirling Highway
Cottesloe WA 6011
Ph: (08) 9384 0388
Email: info@europeanbedding.com.au
Web: www.europeanbedding.com.au