Carers WA

Carers WA
Carers WA aims to enhance and promote carers health and well-being by focusing on their emotional and social support needs. Our services include the provision of specialist information and advice, resources, carer support through counselling, education/training, social support and carer advocacy and representation.

Young Carers WA
A young carer is someone aged up to 25 years old who provides unpaid care and support to family members and friends who have disability, mental illness, chronic condition, terminal illness, an alcohol or other drug issue, or who are frail aged. Young Carers WA provides a range of free events and school holiday activities, including camps for ages 8 -17. Young Carers WA ‘CLOUD’ Program offers a unique service within schools to raise awareness and support young carer students, parents and educators.

182 Lord Street
Perth WA 6000
Ph: 1300 227 377
FREE Counselling Line: 1800 007 332 (8.00 am – 5.00 pm)
Email: OR

Citizens Advice Bureau

They offer low-cost legal advice appointments on a wide range of issues at locations around Western Australia, including Albany, Armadale, Bunbury, Esperance, Fremantle, Jonndalip, Kwinana, Mandruah, Midland and Rockingham. They can also help with preparing legal documents.

Ph: (08) 9221 5711


CliniKids offers early intervention services including speech pathology, occupational therapy and clinical psychology. They also offer autism diagnostic and therapy services and families have the opportunity to be involved in our most current research. CliniKids also runs training in specific therapies, workshops and events throughout the year.

Telethon Kids Institute
Northern Entrance, Perth Children’s Hospital
15 Hospital Avenue
Nedlands WA 6009
Ph: 6319 1000


The ISP will assist Early Childhood and Child Care Services to include children with additional needs by providing tailored inclusion support and advice from Inclusion Agencies as well as funding to support more challenging inclusion barriers.

Ph: 1800 119 247

Community Legal Centres Association WA

Community Legal Centres Association WA are the peak organisation representing the twenty eight Community Legal Centres operating in WA. They are committed to the principles of human rights, social justice and equity, including the rights of Western Australians to equity in access to legal services.